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Thanks! I agree. Also, Remdesivere is a drug that Dr Fauci stands to profit from. The very fact that the CDC and AMA and hospital and individual doctors for that matter were unable or unwilling to try HCQ, Ivermectin, and Chlorine Dioxide because they are inexpensive has shed much light on why Remdesivere was the only treatment available. It has been about the profitability. When countries like India and Mexico gave out HCQ, Zinc and aspirin in mass quantities to their citizens and had few deaths, it shows our own FDA and government agencies were never focused on saving lives. The billions spent on hospitalizations and ventilator use and expensive drugs like Remdesivere vs pennies to treat the masses tells you all you need to know!

Hospitals got paid for every Covid admission and got even more for every patient intubated and on a ventilator.

When morticians are reporting more dying with Covid rather than FROM Covid, even more evidence that Covid diagnosis drove profit margins!

I am a nurse with friends that work in large hospitals.

We will find out more as more whistle blowers begin to surface, but I continue to say, follow the money and you’ll discover the motive!

Regards and good luck with your site!


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